I love Seattle! It's one of my favorite cities, so I decided to show a 'few' pictures of our trip. (By the way, if any of you know me, it's hard for me to just show a few! So grab a drink and enjoy!) :) We actually went a month or so ago. We only went for a couple days, but I managed to snap a lot, I mean, a lot of pictures! Crazy, I know!! :)
Here are a few shots from the plane of Mount Ranier! I don't know if you know that much about Seattle, but it's not every day you get a clear view of this famous volcano! So I got out of my seat, grabbed my camera, and starting shooting away!

Coming out of the restroom at the Seattle Airport, I happened to notice this cool American Flag made out of Pepsi cans! Maybe this is why I love this city! :)

As soon as we got there, we decided to ride the ferry!
I love this one!
Pike Place Market!
Jeff's nephew, Hunter, spent the day with us! Here's a picture of his famous 'squinty' eyes! His mom says that whenever she gets out the camera and starts pointing it at him, he automatically squints! I love a good challenge! So I think I was pretty victorious the rest of the day! :)
This guy was pretty active when we were there!
I love this one of Viv!
Cute little Hunter!
It's actually quite hard to point & shoot at the right angle.......and smile all at the same time! But I nailed it.......after about 10 or 12 takes! :)

The very FIRST Starbucks across the street from Pike Place! There is always a line there!! (And performers right out front.)

You might have seen these guys on TV! They're famous! (I think they're on the Discovery Channel.) People just love to watch them throw these fish around when one is ordered! Here they are in action...

Vivian with her camera...
I think we wore Hunter out...
I will leave you with my favorite picture of this most photographed sign!
So, that's our fun trip, minus the Notre Dame / Washington game which is the whole reason we went to Seattle. I know, I know! Notre Dame.....You're thinking?! Well, it's Jeff's favorite team. Mine is still LSU! LSU will actually play the Huskies next year in Seattle. Can't wait!
Well, if I ever get my hands on Jeff's camera, I will share a few of the game. There were some great views of the water from the field and of the campus. It really is beautiful! (And Notre Dame won! I don't think the Huskies have won a game yet this season!)