Wednesday, March 18, 2009 action!

My friend Melissa was able to go to the BYU / Airforce game with me!  Unfortunately I made her sit by herself, but at least she had a good seat!  Right?!  :)  Well, I handed her my PowerShot and let her take a few pictures during the game.  This is what she got....

Me getting ready for the game....

Yes.....I'm taking a picture of her, while she's taking one of me!  Not sure what that guy is doing....he kind of got in the way!  =)  
(Actually, I think he was the helper of the TV guy who was shooting the game.  So, he's kind of important.)

Must be a 'time out' or something!  :)

Thanks Melissa for going with me even though I couldn't sit with you!!  :)  You're the best!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

mountain west champs!....1,2,3...

As you know, I had the amazing opportunity to shoot the last BYU game against Airforce!  I think my Dad was with me that day, because a couple of hours before the game, I was talking with him on the phone and he said, "Just be careful of flying athletes coming your way!  I always see the camera people getting run over by those big guys!"  Well, no athletes landed on my lap, but they did land just on the other side of the hoop from me (a few times)!!  So thanks Dad for watching out for me!  :)
Not only did BYU win their last game, but on that night, they became the Mountain West Champions for the 3rd year in a row!!  Congrats guys!  And thanks for letting me capture some of the fun and intense moments of that night!

I had to get one of Cosmo, the Cougar...

Another sold out crowd cheering their team to victory!

One of my many favorites!

As easy as 1...2...3!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

a 'little' basketball...

I have an admission...  
You all know that I love football, but I have to admit that basketball is one of my first loves when it comes to sports!  I have a little experience with this sport......yes, I played a little in my day!  The sport, as frustrating as it can be, is fun and fast paced, and look out if someone on the other team needs to let go of some aggression!  Between 'boxing out', flying elbows, mean looks, fast breaks, and a little 'dirty playin', basketball is one of the best sports to watch and play. 
As I was watching my nephew Adam play, I could see a little of me in him.  Sorry Adam!  :)  I just take my sports a little too serious.  I guess you could say, I'm just a 'little' competitive!  But hey, having a little competition in life never hurt anybody!  I believe, that competition is what drives most people to be better or do better -- not just in sports, but also in whatever comes our way throughout life!  For me, I just wanted to be better.  Better than the person next to me.  I wanted to win.  That drive.....that adrenaline, I believe, is what motivates us to become a more well-rounded individual.
And Adam, when I was playing a little on the side in my college days, my friends would always take me out to get ice cream or some kind of comfort food afterwards.  It usually works!  :)

Ok, with that said, "JUMP BALL"!

I know that this next picture might look a little different, but some man decided to shoot a few pics with his camera across the court WITH HIS FLASH ON!!  But I thought this shot made for a cool pic anyway!

I just like this one for some reason....

Great game boys!!

So if ya'll like basketball, stayed tuned!!  I got invited to shoot the BYU basketball game this Saturday!  WooHoo!  Should be fun!