Ok - so my birthday was yesterday, August 2nd, and it has not been an easy birthday for me. I'm not going to say how old I am, but let's just say I'm gettin' up there! Jeff took me up to Snowbird! It's one of my favorite places to go in the summer! I know it's a place for winter sports, such as skiing or snowboarding, which is not really my thing (being from the south and all), but you would be surprised to know that there are a lot of things going on throughout the summer. Lots of festivals and fun activities! This weekend, the Rock & Blues Festival was going on and I couldn't believe that "Buckwheat Zydeco" was performing! Awesome! He's from my home, New Orleans, and is quite popular! So, of course we had to see him. So, along with hiking around, what I believe to be one of the most beautiful places in Utah, and seeing Zydeco and other rock and blues performers, it happened to be a pretty good birthday! Thanks Jeff!
I wanted to share some of the beautiful scenes of Snowbird... Anyone who lives around here should definitely go. You will be happy to know that it's at least 10-15 degrees cooler up there - I had to get a sweater to keep warm at night while watching the last blues performer, Keb' Mo' Band. It was perfect weather!
I had to let Jeff get a shot of me on my happy birthday!
There's actually a wild flower festival up here sometime in June or July. I think we barely made it to see all the awesome colors of the flowers. One more week and we could have missed it.
Can you believe all this beauty is covered by inches and inches, OK, feet and feet of snow most of the year!
Yep, there's still some snow up here!

There's Jeff -- I keep stopping to take pictures! :) He's looking for moose or any other wild life. But, no moose this time. Last year we saw about 3 or 4 of 'em and lots of deer, oh yeah, and a few mountain goats.

Any guesses what this use to be? Maybe an 'outhouse'!? I don't know, but Alta's lodge was built in 1940!

Can you find the deer?

Oh, yeah it does! Here's Buckwheat Zydeco!! Singing "Walkin' to New Orleans!"
We're taking a break in between musicians... We had to go get a Pepsi at 'Central Grits'! Cool name for a deli/mini-mart, huh!

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