Friday, November 14, 2008

cheaters.....sometimes win.....

Abby, Eli, and I decided to spend some quality time together tonight. It was a 2 to 1 vote to start off the evening at Wendy's, where the kid's meals come with a cool little game. A game that is a smaller rendition of the old school popular ones. Abby ended up with Chutes & Ladders and Eli went away with Battleship. Before heading home, we stopped and got the movie, Kung Fu Panda. I could tell that Eli was really excited to watch the movie since he couldn't stop inventing his own kung fu moves, while yelling 'kung fu', wherever we went! He was getting me pretty excited too to watch this fun movie! Well, the movie started and Eli was watching intensely. During one scene, he said, "That was some cool graphics!" My head turned towards him and I was thinking, what did you just say? I didn't even have to ask. I think he just saw the expression on my face and repeated, "That was some cool graphics!" I replied, "Yes, yes, it was!" Ok - he's 5 people! 'Graphics'..... Really?!..... He continues to amaze me with his vocabulary and smartness (if that's even a word).
After the movie, we played a game of Battleship. We were sitting next to each other on the couch. Now if you haven't seen this fun little game from Wendy's, it's just 2 little pieces of cardboard that you lay out, which makes it pretty easy to see your opponents territory. As much as Eli liked to check out where the ships were on my board, I tried my hardest not to look at his. To be honest with you, I didn't need to look. If I hit one of his ships, he would say, "Oh man, you hit a ship, now you only have to get B2, B3, and B4 to sink it!" Now, I know I shouldn't have, but I sank his ship! And his reply was, "Man! You're really good at this game!"
I love this boy!! :)


Kerrie said...

That Eli is such a character! Funny story!

Stewey said...

The story is very nice. All of the pictures are very nice, well done. If the angle is of, it is to enhance every aspect of the photo. Very well dne.