I've known Butch for several years now and I couldn't be happier for him! He's one of a kind. And he didn't do too bad finding Christine! When I heard the news that Butch was getting married, I couldn't wait to meet HER! And that happened on the wedding day. I walked in and was welcomed by a hug. It almost seemed like we 'knew' each other already. I don't know about Christine, but I felt like we kind of just clicked. She's so down to earth and just a fun person to be around. She makes you feel so welcomed. I kept asking Butch how he got so lucky! ;) I was so happy to be there and help document their day. It was such a simple, small, intimate ceremony, yet beautiful and perfect day in every way.
Here's her fabulous wedding dress and she looked absolutely gorgeous in it.

And here's handsome little Caleb, Christine's son. He didn't want to have anything to do with me...at first! He wouldn't even accept bribes! ;) But no worries, we became good friends by the end of the day! We were so tight that a few hi-fives were even shared! ;) Thanks Caleb! You really know how to use that Star Wars 'light-saver'!
Christine has some of the BEST friends! They flew from all over to be by her side and share this special day with her. And did I mention how nice they all are?! Well, they are! They give each other such great support. They definitely added to the day and made it that more memorable.

Thanks so much Christine and Butch! I had so much fun with you! You two are going to have an amazing life together!
If you would like to see more, click here for a SLIDESHOW.
Incredible wedding.Incredible photos!!!
Wow her dress is beautiful. Your favorite photo is mine too. Where did they marry it is so pretty there with the stream and landscape.
They got married just outside of Montrose, Colorado. It was absolutely beautiful! It actually started to rain that day but then stopped right before the ceremony was to start. Everything worked out and It turned into such a fun day! ;)
Amee you rocked this wedding photo shoot with your "mad skilz"!! I know Butch & Christine will LOVE these photographs! Watch out JS!
are you kiddin' me?!?!? these are amazing! I think my favorite is the one where they're walkin' and holdin' hands and he's out of the frame...but they are all so stinkin' good. You are awesome!!!
beautiful wedding!
Thank you Amee...We love it You are awesome!
Christine and Butch
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