Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Emeree has got to be one of THE cutest babies. Ever. She's so sweet. And so far, a pretty good baby according to her momma. My patience was definitely tested though while trying to capture a few images of her. ;) But Tanya told her that she needed to get used to it. And I agreed. 'Cause I wasn't about to put my camera down. And with this little cutie around, I probably won't for awhile. At least in their house. Emeree's brothers and sister are all use to it. They even ask me when I see them...Amee, did you bring your camera?! Not only are they use to it, they ask for it. ;)

Here are a few images I captured while with her. The fun part of it was when we were done, I got to spend some one-on-one time with Emeree while her mom rested. And this little thing is definitely a little sweetie pie!

I'm gonna end with this last shot...for her daddy.
And any other Saints fans out there! ;)

Emeree says WhoDat!!


April Hardy said...

Wow! She looks like her siblings! Dang. Very cute! LOVE the last picture. Nice job Amee!

Christy said...


Unknown said...

Wow, she's almost as cute as Mason. :) Great pics. I love the bamboo platter/dish/fruit bowl thingy!! Cute and different.

By the way, people are thrown off when I was telling people that my aunt and I were pregnant at the same time. They would get this confused look on their faces and they would ask "how old is she." lol. I like throwing the curve ball, lol.

Heather said...

Love the pictures! She is such a cutie! She looks like her beautiful sister & cute brothers. Thanks for ALL the pictures of her. Since we can't see her it is awesome to see her pictures. And LOVE the last one! WHODAT!

The Amayesings said...

I also think Emeree says YOU dat, Aunt Amee! What darling, sweet photos!!! LOVE the close-up of the face and all of the them. All ones in the basket too. SO CUTE!!