Mary, my good friend and fellow photographer, called me one day and asked if I wanted to go to New Orleans to a photography conference with her. Ummm... hello?! Of course! It's all about photography for one, and it's in New Orleans! Bonus! How could I pass that up?! So we started making plans.
We decided to go a few days early and try and get some shooting done. With the help of family and friends, we got lined up with some awesome kids and families. The prior post of Mason was one of those fun shoots and there are lots more to come. I can't wait to share. In a way, I felt like Mary and I were the paparazzi! But we had so much fun shooting and teaching each other some new tricks. We also got to shoot each other...with our the French Quarter. I'll post those soon as well. There were some late nights up till 3 a.m. and early 5 a.m. mornings, but all in all, definitely worth it!
Mary is from Raleigh, North Carolina and has one of THE best southern accents. Oh and she's a Pepsi drinker! ;) And believe it or not, I think she can out drink me! Yeah, I know. Impossible you may think. But, it's true. On the first day of conference, we had lunch and we both turned to each other on our way to our next session and said I need a Pepsi! So I went and saved us a seat and Mary went on the hunt. No luck. But Danny, with Pictage, knew what we were in need of. He asked where we were and he then went across the street to go get us Pepsi. How cool is that!? And what's even cooler is that he found us the very next day around the same time and brought us another one!! He made us feel like royalty. Seriously. Thank you Danny!!

Mary = Diet Pepsi
Amee = Pepsi
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