Remember these cute kids from my last post?!

Well, what I failed to mention was that their amazing mom, Joye, has a blog that is a must read. One of those blogs that you're gonna want to add to your list of daily blogs to read. Yeah. It's that good. Her blog is titled
"The Joyeful Journey". You can check it out
HERE. She and her family just have a natural, giving spirit about them that is just plain contagious. Her blog is dedicated to her family and to the One above...our Heavenly Father. She also has great ideas for the season (and not for the season). ;) She's very crafty, compassionate, spiritual, and just simply a beautiful person with a beautiful family. If I lived in New Orleans, I think I would be at her house all the time. I'm just sayin'. So Joye, I guess you're lucky I don't live close! But I will be back to visit... ;)
And I just love, love, love this shot of her daughter, Astair. I managed to get this shot of her while she was trying to grab my hand to go on our walk. How cute is that?! So we held hands and walked for a bit. Although, it was a little hard, because all I wanted to do was have my camera in hand and snap away at these beautiful kids, but I so enjoyed this moment. I like making friends on my shoots! ;)
Joye: Thanks again for your great hospitality and your great example on life...