Remember these cute kids from my last post?!

Well, what I failed to mention was that their amazing mom, Joye, has a blog that is a must read. One of those blogs that you're gonna want to add to your list of daily blogs to read. Yeah. It's that good. Her blog is titled "The Joyeful Journey". You can check it out HERE. She and her family just have a natural, giving spirit about them that is just plain contagious. Her blog is dedicated to her family and to the One above...our Heavenly Father. She also has great ideas for the season (and not for the season). ;) She's very crafty, compassionate, spiritual, and just simply a beautiful person with a beautiful family. If I lived in New Orleans, I think I would be at her house all the time. I'm just sayin'. So Joye, I guess you're lucky I don't live close! But I will be back to visit... ;)
And I just love, love, love this shot of her daughter, Astair. I managed to get this shot of her while she was trying to grab my hand to go on our walk. How cute is that?! So we held hands and walked for a bit. Although, it was a little hard, because all I wanted to do was have my camera in hand and snap away at these beautiful kids, but I so enjoyed this moment. I like making friends on my shoots! ;)
Joye: Thanks again for your great hospitality and your great example on life...
Oh, I wish you lived closer, girl! That would be too much fun! Thanks for your sweet words. Wow, what an encouragement : ) I CAN'T wait to see the CD! I love the pic of them with their little footsies in the air! And that one of Asair is too precious!
Hi Amee! I'm glad that I'm not so weird, and that I'm not the only one to fall in love with Joye and her awesome family the first time I met them! Before Joye was an awesome mother she was an awesome youth leader at at local church that Chloe used to attend sometimes with her cousin Marijah.
Joye along with Joel took Chloe, and the other youth under their wings, and loved them just as Christ does. Joye lives up to her name. She is infectious, contagious, and delicious to be around!! One day I hope she shares the story of Joel's courtship. It is so special. It reminds me of the biblical Jacob and Rebecca.
Now that you know how great her daily blog is I want to tell you about her "Love Letters to God" which she blogs under "Dropping Eaves". Every time I read these letters I feel the tears well up in my eyes and the lump grow in my throat, and I am humbled to know such a special lady who loves Jesus and radiates his love in return. I know Joye will giggle her adorable giggle when she reads this and roll her eyes and go "oh, Michelle..." but I mean it, she is a very talented lady, who expresses her love for her family and God in a truly remarkable way, because it comes from her heart, and if you look in her heart you will find the true, unadulterated love of Jesus Christ shining brightly!
I love you Joye!
I love you Amee!!
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
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