New Orleans, my home. My home where friends and family are. I know New Orleans has a lot to offer, but Nola wouldn't be same without them. And I absolutely love shooting in this amazing city. So when I was there about a month or so ago, I asked my friend, Paul, if he would like to go shooting with me. He was happy to do so. And we had some fun the process, even in the hot, humid conditions that the South so graciously provides. So a big Thank You goes out to YOU, Paul, for 'sweating' it out with me on our days of shooting.. ;) You truly are the best! And I am one lucky girl to know you and to have you as a friend, as would anybody. And, if it isn't obvious camera loves you.

He looks good without the beard. And he kinda looks like Mark Ruffalo in a few of the pics.
Hey Girl! You sure do know ur way around a camera and a man! haha Love ya.
Wow, very GQ.
wht woo! (Me whistling--at your work and your subject.) ;)
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