A little history: The Chalmette Battlefield....where the Battle of New Orleans took place...was a historic battle in 1815 where the Americans, led under General Andrew Jackson, defeated the British (known to be a much bigger and better army). It was said to be an unnecessary battle since the War of 1812 technically ended in 1814, when the treaty was signed. This day, January 8 (1815) was celebrated for years and years just like the 4th of July, because the Americans took so much pride in winning this battle against a much better army.
Here's another tidbit of information for you: Jean Lafitte, who was a pirate, was actually recruited by General Andrew Jackson to help us in defeating the British. And from what I understand, he played a key role in our victory!
This battlefield is located just a few miles (I believe about 7 miles) down the river from New Orleans. It was just amazing to see such a historic site like this one. Especially with all the history that's here in New Orleans. The place I call home.
FYI: I'm not that much of a history buff! I tend to forget a lot of dates and such. :) Oh well, thank goodness for the internet, and my parents, so I could get all my facts right.

Here's where the Americans stood (behind this wall) awaiting the British soldiers...

Here's a monument on the site that can be seen from the river. We decided to climb the stairs to the top of this. Don't ask me why! I just started hiking up this spiral stairway....just so you know, that happens to be 102 feet of stairs!

Here's a monument on the site that can be seen from the river. We decided to climb the stairs to the top of this. Don't ask me why! I just started hiking up this spiral stairway....just so you know, that happens to be 102 feet of stairs!

I don't blame anyone for NOT wanting to climb all these stairs! So here's a photo of them....mainly for proof that I made it to the top....and just to show what you are missing or not missing. In other words....so you don't have to climb them! I did it for you! Ya'll can thank me later! ;)
And here's a view from the top!
If you look close enough, you can see a ship sitting here on the Mississippi River...
So after that little adventure, I somehow managed to make it over to this beautiful plantation. Yes, I know I shouldn't admit this, but my legs were feeling pretty much like jello after all those stairs! And to give myself a little credit, I did also have my 2 mile walk this morning with my Dad. ;)

We decided to venture up to the levee and found this old riverboat dock...that is obviously not in use anymore. Someone had cut the police 'caution' tape entering this pier. And see where all those trees/bushes are covering the walkway, well there's a gate there with a padded lock with a sign saying something like no trespassers and something about you will be prosecuted.... Can't quite remember. But lucky for us someone had pulled back part of the chain link gate and left a nice hole so that we may duck thru to reach the end of the pier. And what a view it was! Well worth breaking a few rules!
It was such an amazing view of the river that I had never seen before. But it was also a little eerie being on that ledge so close to this famous, yet dangerous river.

I made a joke to my Dad about this little boat that was passing by us: Look Dad! It's the police coming to arrest us! We laughed about it as we happened to notice that it was just a little tugboat!
True story: After a few moments here, I decided to join my Dad back on the levee. Back on solid ground. And just in time too! Another boat cruising much faster than the little tugboat, was heading for our direction. Yep, it was the coast guard! And no, I didn't get a picture of it...because, well, it made me nervous! Seriously! I was trying to be all incognito! But then when I realized we were 'safe', I said Dang it Dad! I didn't get a picture! I was too busy trying to figure out my gettaway plan! I was worried about getting busted or arrested! Yes, people! They came that close to us! So ya'll will all have to take my word for it!
(I totally believe that whoever was on that tugboat made a call in about us being there.) ;)
I am so glad that I was able to visit this historic place and brush up on my history facts!!
I bet your dad loves having you there. You keep him entertained and help him get out of the house. I love those plantations homes. I want one one day!
I loved this post! I am so pro NOLA!
I love the pictures in the monument! Beautiful as always Amee!
Thanks for climbing all those stairs for me. I wish I was there to see all that cool stuff. I'm glad you didn't get my dad arrested!
Amee! I LOVE those pics! They are my favorite non-kid pictures! You rock! You sound like your having fun! :)
Thanks everybody!! Ya'll are awesome!
And you're welcome Cindy! (My legs took about almost a week to recover!) Oh and April....I kinda want one too! ;)
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