Orissa is a smart, beautiful, caring young woman who just wants to simply help others. When I first met her, I couldn't help but be drawn into her little bubble! ;) She has such a personality that is just so energetic and carefree! When I was talking with her Aunt, I learned that Orissa had sold her car to raise enough money to go on a year long mission to Australia. (She is still looking for donations to help with her effort.) I couldn't believe it! Her goal there is to train and become a midwife in developing nations with an international Christian group known as 'Youth With a Mission'. Another side of this mission is to help establish mother and child health clinics in these developing nations. If you would like to learn more, check out her Aunt Michelle's blog.
Orissa is such an inspiration to me and I'm sure others around her!
And now, meet Orissa...

Orissa! It was so great to meet you! My camera and I had so much fun hanging out with you for the day! ;) Thanks so much!
I wish you the best of luck in the Outback!
Hi Amee! These pictures are so gorgeous...I know Orissa and her mom will love them. She is a special young lady, and I thank you for taking her pictures and helping to tell her story. At just 18 she is an inspiration to me as well. I will send you the link to her blog when she gets it up and going. The Lord has said that the most valiant spirits were held back for the last days, and I believe that Orissa is one of those special spirits.
I know that your life is about to change as well, as your choice to do photography as a full time career will take you many places as well. You are the best Amee! I know you will have a wonderful career and fabulous time doing what you love. You will make many people happy for many years to come with your amazing talent for capturing beautiful photographs of people's special events.
p.s. Check out the pics I posted from the trip to Dauphin Island with Orissa and her family.She leaves on June 30th for Australia and we are having a going away/fund raiser party on June 28 for her. I wish you were still going to be here so you could come too.
Thanks so much Michelle for all your kind words and support!! That means more than you know!
I wish I was going to be there too to see Orissa off! I know she'll do a great job over there in Australia. Tell her hi for me and good luck! :)
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