Thursday, July 31, 2008

flying high - part 2

Ok - so to follow up with my last post about "maybe" going, yeah, it never happened. Sorry to disappoint, but I really did think about it and the truth is, if I even really wanted to do it, I couldn't -- the weather this last weekend was not co-operating!! There was no hang-gliding or anything going on at the point of the mountain. We had lots of stormy weather - rain and wind and nasty, dark clouds! But, good news, I do have that instructor's card so I can give him a call to see when he'll be back in town. So don't be too disappointed with me - it could still happen - sometime...... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect opp to be crazy and celebrate your birthday! You get out there. Of course, its much easier to pursuade you when im not there to see the scary elevation and cliff drop off! Ha! Just one more reason to brag about my bff!! Love ya. I will call you on your bday.