Tuesday, June 30, 2009

meet the parents

Meet my parents!  The two most influential people in my life.  Married for over 50 years, with 7 kids, 25 grandkids...with 1 on the way, and 15 great grandkids...with 1 on the way.  (I'm pretty sure I'm close on those numbers!)  Even if it means traveling across the country, they try really hard to be a part of all of the events, birthdays, weddings, baby blessings...well, you get the point...that happen pretty much all the time.  Well, there is over 50 people to keep up with, counting in-laws and such!  ;)  These two have many stories, many friends, and have a love for everyone they have met and have been able to help along the way.  They are very giving and caring.  Ask anyone.  You can't help but want to be a part of their lives.  Lucky for me, I was able to have them for my parents.  ;)

One of my favs!  So New Orleans!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

catching up...

I've been so busy lately that I'm having a hard time keeping up.  It also doesn't help that my internet decides when it wants to cooperate...which isn't too often!  And then when it IS cooperating, it's slower than that tortoise who races against Bugs Bunny!  (Hopefully those of you reading will know what I'm talking about!)  ;)  So needlessly to say, I have a lot to blog about.  

But I wanted to do a quick 'sneak peek' post tonight and share a few fun photos of two of the most amazing people in my life...my parents!  ;) 

Stay tuned...more to come...lots more!  ;)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Orissa is a smart, beautiful, caring young woman who just wants to simply help others.  When I first met her, I couldn't help but be drawn into her little bubble!  ;)  She has such a personality that is just so energetic and carefree!  When I was talking with her Aunt, I learned that Orissa had sold her car to raise enough money to go on a year long mission to Australia.  (She is still looking for donations to help with her effort.)  I couldn't believe it!  Her goal there is to train and become a midwife in developing nations with an international Christian group known as 'Youth With a Mission'.  Another side of this mission is to help establish mother and child health clinics in these developing nations.  If you would like to learn more, check out her Aunt Michelle's blog.
Orissa is such an inspiration to me and I'm sure others around her!

And now, meet Orissa...

Orissa!  It was so great to meet you!  My camera and I had so much fun hanging out with you for the day!  ;)  Thanks so much!
I wish you the best of luck in the Outback!

Friday, June 12, 2009

baby mason

Mason took his time coming into this world as his mom well knows!  But I think that you will have to agree that he was worth the wait!  He was just over 6 pounds and cuter than ever!  And talk about one good little boy!  Kristine, his mom...who happens to be my beautiful niece, tells me he sleeps in till 10:30 am!  Now that's my kind of baby!  ;)

Here are some images along with his proud parents Kristine and Ryan!

Here he is with his favorite book!  ;) 

*Update:  I just had to share this photo because I love this baby!  ;)  After the shoot, Mason's mom, Kristine, asked if I wanted to hold him.  Ummmm....yeah, of course!  So as I took the little guy in my arms, Kristine took my camera and said, 'Man!  This thing is heavier than Mason!'  Which was true...he's light as a feather...and my camera, well, is heavier than a feather!  ;)
(She snapped this quick shot.)

Kristine & Ryan:  I am so glad that I was here in NOLA when your adorable little boy was born.  Thank you so much for letting me hang out with you for a little bit and capture this moment!