Sunday, August 31, 2008

hurricane gustav!

So, it's hurricane season again and 3 years after Katrina (almost to the date) my family is once again evacuating waiting to see what this storm has to bring.  Most people in NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) have just barely finished putting there lives back together after Katrina and some are still recovering.

My dad called this morning and said that they were already on there way out of town along with the rest of my family.  They are headed to Pensacola, Florida where my brother lives.  They will still see some of the crazy weather from Gustav (right now a Cat. 3 hurricane - expected to be a Cat. 4 when it hits land), but at least they are out of his direct path.  
I'm relieved and happy they were able to get out early, but sad all at the same time.  It's hard to see my family - and the place I call home - go thru this once again.  Lots of prayers go out to them for their safety.  I love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very scary! I am sorry for the people. I here the filipinos suffer from typhoons almost weekly on different parts of the islands, however, they live on the province where their house is made of bambo and metal scraps and in a week they can have their houses back up. Cant really do that in the heart of Louisiana. Love u. take care